We are all aware of the huge crisis of millions of Ukrainian refugees and victims of the war going on in their country. We believe in the worth of all people, and one aspect of our mission for Jesus Christ is to abolish poverty and end suffering, and to challenge unjust systems. Ukraine was a peaceful nation that did not start the conflict, yet they are in the midst of unbelievable levels of suffering. We must take action to help those people who are suffering.
Launching the Ukrainian Relief Campaign: Therefore, Community of Christ, Pittsburgh South Hills Congregation is launching our campaign to encourage all people to give generously to Organizations of your choice, to provide relief to these people who are suddenly in very great need. We want it to spread far and wide, to get as many people as possible to join in to help the needy people in this massive crisis! Here’s how the campaign works.
Pray: One of the best ways we can help is to pray to God. “For God, all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26) Please pray for the fighting to stop, for the safety of all people, and a peaceful resolution to be found to the crisis. Pray for the war not to spread nor escalate. Pray for the welfare of the refugees and for those who are taking them in. Pray for the safety and relief to the civilians still in Ukraine who have lost loved ones, lost their homes & possessions or who are injured. Prayer and Fasting is another scriptural option worth doing.
Financial Donations: Several Relief Organizations are listed below, in case you are not sure which organization to send your donation to. Each of these groups are suggested by the church, but are non-sectarian except for Community of Christ Oblation Fund. Click on any of the Organization names below to be connected to their website, where you can read about the organization and make a secure donation. Or, choose another organization of your choice to give to. Relief Organizations To Give To:
Global Empowerment Mission is on the ground in Medyka, Poland serving and relocating thousands of evacuees from Ukraine.
Global Giving Ukraine Crisis Relief Fundis supporting humanitarian assistance in impacted communities in Ukraine and surrounding regions where Ukrainian refugees have fled through local partners who are brining relief to terrified and displaced communities.
International Rescue Committee is on the ground in Poland and preparing to support displaced families with food, medical care and emergency supplies in countries like Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen.
Save the Children is focused on the 7.5 million children in Ukraine who are in grave danger of physical harm, severe emotional distress and displacement by helping provide children and families with immediate aid, such as food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support and cash assistance.
To contribute this way, make your checks out to Community of Christ and designate them for "Abolish Poverty, End Suffering". Mail checks to: 1001 West Walnut Independence, Missouri USA 64050
Other Relief Organizations of your choice who are helping the people of Ukraine.
How much should I give? Here are two Bible passages to consider. Jesus praised the poor elderly woman in the Temple (Mark 12:41-44) for giving two copper coins to God, since that is all she had. Jesus also replied to the rich young man (Matthew 19:16, 21-22) to give all that he had to the poor and folow him [Jesus]. What’s important to Jesus [God] is to give all that you can, spiritually and physically.
Take More Action: Forward this to your friends, and post it on your social media sites. Ask them to contribute to the Relief Agency of their choice, then click on either button that says “I Prayed” or “I Prayed & Contributed" below.
Survey: We have also created a short survey that we would appreciate having filled out. Click the button that says “Start Survey” below to get started.
God will be pleased, and will bless you for your compassion and for the actions you take. The people receiving the aid will be grateful to you and everyone around the world who have their relief. And, you can feel better in your heart and mind for the actions you took.